What a week we just ended! Big wins for progressive America. Now get back to work.
The Links:
Greece's banks are closed. The ECB isn't bailing them out again. There's not really anything more to it. Most of the debts have been restructured in a what that's not going to make Europe's economy implode. . Renegotiating with Greece opens up the possibility of renegotiating with larger debtors like Italy and Spain. Ain't gonna happen. Here's Krugman. Here's Cowen on the possibility of contagion.
Speaking of Greece, it looks like we have our own little debt problem close to home. Puerto Rico needs to declare bankruptcy but can't. However, it also can't pay off its $72billion in debt. Surprise!
Also related, does democracy slow economic growth?
The Ultimate "What if?" What if America never invaded Iraq? Counterfactual arguments are hard to evaluate but I find this one well thought through.
Why doesn't anyone care that big firms in Silicon Valley are overstating their earnings tot he tune of $16 billion? File this under "bubble."
The US computer industry is dying. Assholes are killing it.
No child left un-mined.
Church burning is back. Stay classy racists.
And, the economic subjugation of blacks is the new Jim Crow. Far more pernicious too because it's not a matter of changing laws on the books.
What would civil-disobedience against Obamacare or King v Burwell even look like? What does Huckabee actually think would happen?
Anti-intellectualism is killing America. Social dysfunction can be traced to the abandonment of reason.
Social Security overpayments, including those people on disability, only amounted to 0.13%. Yup. Epidemic of fraud and moochers there. Let me tell you. Maybe government works after all?
Along those lines, it's important to note that most of America's poor have jobs. There is no epidemic of welfare queens and disability dukes.
Stories from wage slaves and how they became trapped in debt forever.
Scandinavian-Americans have lower levels of poverty and higher levels of incomes than the average American.
13 year-olds invent condoms that change color when the wearer has an STD. First, great idea. Second, you're 13 years old? Umm... Checks article, oh, England. That makes more sense.
January 19th COVID Update: COVID in Wastewater Decreasing
56 minutes ago