Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Romney Doctrine and the end of influence

I believe that I mentioned a book about what happens when Los Estados Unidos no longer has hegemony. well, here's one of the authors in an interview titled "What happens when other countries have the money". It's worth the watch.

For comparison, I have an article about 2012 GOP presidential front runner Mitt Romney's foreign policy views as espoused in his new "Lookit! I'ma run for president" book.

Blog notes. I'm just going to post interesting things - I've been told that less commentary seeking behavior on my part will entice y'all to post.


  1. Sorry I haven't been taking much part on this thing. The problem isn't so much that you're seeking commentary. It's more of a mix of my ignorance of the issues and my recent busyness juggling the revision of my book and cashier work at Choo Choo Express

  2. Which means you still live in Athens? How did I get the impression that you were elsewhere. I'm calling next time we all get together in athens.
