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Want to challenge your faith in modern medicine? Take a look at this drug clinical trial simulator. Get the results you want, not the results you don't! Hint: big pharma doesn't have to publish studies which show their drugs are ineffective.
American style mass incarceration causes more crime than it prevents.
The tech industry loves to claim there's a shortage of workers. Those claims are phony. What they should be doing to colluding to drive down the cost of labor. Oh wait, they did that...
"Although our industry and other high-tech industries have grown exponentially," Tornquist said, "our immigration system has failed to keep pace." The nation's outdated limits and "convoluted green-card process," she said, had left firms like hers "hampered in hiring the talent that they need."
What Tornquist didn't mention was that Qualcomm may then have had more engineers than it needed: Only a few weeks after her June 2 talk, the San Diego company announced that it would cut its workforce, of whom two-thirds are engineers, by 15%, or nearly 5,000 people.
The mismatch between Qualcomm's plea to import more high-tech workers and its efforts to downsize its existing payroll hints at the phoniness of the high-tech sector's persistent claim of a "shortage" of U.S. graduates in the "STEM" disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics.How are Americans responding to a changing job market?
Those of us in education, especially recent grads (well 5 years ago) know how we're constantly told the lecture it dead. It's the worst way to teach. It's tantamount to racial discrimination because lectures are for white people. About that:
Instead of leaving lecture-based instruction behind, all of us involved in building innovative educational models should recognize its traditional value and focus our efforts on improving the design of lectures so that they embody the core values of active learning.And, how schools push black kids into the criminal justice system. Well I don't want my kid in classes with those sorts of people!
Myths about snake people.
Yet another hole punched in the "homo-economicus" myth.
“Rational expectations” is one of an entire class of expectations models that I reject. I call this class “identical expectations,” because it assumes that every individual has the same model of the market and the same information, thus arriving at the same set of expectations.A smart argument for doing more charity now.
Wall St. guy realizes 99% of what they do is useless. Yeah, but it makes someone rich!
"The job of finance is to provide capital to companies. We do it to the tune of $250 billion a year in IPOs and secondary offerings," Bogle told Time in an interview."What else do we do? We encourage investors to trade about $32 trillion a year. So the way I calculate it, 99% of what we do in this industry is people trading with one another, with a gain only to the middleman. It's a waste of resources."
In Scott Walker's Wisconsin, household income isn't keeping up with their demographically similar northern neighbor.
Also, we've had a nice little economic recovery without any military Keynesianism.
Arnold Kling argues, I think persuasively, that politics is starting to resemble a "hate crime."
At dinner last night, a political scientist said that studies indicate that increased polarization has not been driven by greater positive attachment to the party people support but to greater hostility toward the party that they oppose.Women should not have to act like men while at work.
Is the reaction to Cecil the Lion's death by rich white dentist an example of Outrage Imperialism?