Saturday, July 26, 2014

7/26/14 Today's Inquiries

Fresh from the series of tubes and in no particular order, links:

Google is aggregating lots of health data so they can make tons and tons of money. Although they says it's to better understand healthcare and health in general. But really it's money.

Dean Baker wants to end protectionism in the medical field. He notes that people decrying the doctor shortage don't usually mention bringing in more foreign doctors. 

Thinking about Social Security is problematic because there's so much confusing information out there. For example, my post about retirement a few months back. Tim Stuhldreher points out that the lost economic activity of the great recession is enough to pay for all the shortfalls. Just a reminder of how much those bankers ruined the world.

More on the recession. A recent study broke down recent graduates' employment outcomes. I especially like that they took the time to figure out whether or not the employed were in positions requiring college degrees. I also like that liberal arts and business are pretty much the same. Fuck business school students. I hate those guys. 

WaPo posts 5 myths about the gender pay gap. I found that I believed most of these at some point in time and two of them currently. I need to do more research!

Bill Moyers reports on the Center for Community Change report released this week. One big thing was how poor people are not willing to call themselves poor and prefer to say they can't make ends meet. I wonder how the dislike for that pejorative makes people think and vote about poverty programs. 

Brendan Nyhan thinks we're likely to see more 'worst' presidents. I found myself thinking about impeachment recently. What if we start seeing every president get impeached? There was talk of doing it to Bush. Obama might get impeached. We're already clearly at a point where having effective governance is unimportant to politicians. They've figured out how to stay in office through outrage alone. I mean, is impeachment going to become like repealing Obamacare? Is it just something every conservative votes for dozens and dozens of times because that's what their base wants to hear?

There is nothing more annoying than trying to enjoy a meal, cigar or just some quiet time and have people come up to ask for money. And since the City-County Council Democrats continue to block any meaningful proposal to get these guys off the streets, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I decided to turn the tables on the panhandlers and start asking them for money.
Long time conservative, Andrew Sullivan, explains why he seems to be moving left. No, Andrew, it's just that politics is moving right.

Apparently Hamas didn't kidnap those kids and murder them kicking off this recent war. Is it bad that I don't care? Like. At. All. Not from a humanitarian standpoint. I definitely sympathize with any human suffering. But I couldn't care less about the conflict. It's never going away. Both sides are shitty murderous thugs. It's like watching a gang war. Why should I care who wins?

I didn't know this: Corporations used to pay 1/3 of federal taxes. I thought it had alwas been a lower portion. I'm glad the government is no longer stealing their hard earned incomes and distributing it to the takers. Let the job creators keep their money (in banks overseas).

And, the South finally gets it's revenge on those damned yankees as climate change allows Kudzu to spread north. The end game is finally in sight. Or, you know, buy some goats.

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