Links 'n stuff!
The Links:
Today's Storyline theme: Bullying. As an educator I saw lots of low-grade bullying but you definitely have to put a hard stop to that sort of thing early in the year or the kids will learn it's okay.
Today's chart porn shows 5 decades of middle class wages and productivity.
Greenpeace says that by exporting coal, Obama is exporting climate change. I like the little rhetorical flourish that one could export a global problem.
David Sirota insists that there are huge differences between Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton. I think these differences are easy when you're talking about stated positions and hard when you're talking about governing. In that sense, Hillary's stated positions are probably closer to what her realistic policy goals would be and she stands a greater chance of being a successful executor.
LeMonde figures out that the US army is only part of the way we blow billions of dollars on imperialist wars of occupation without any hope of accountability. Oh, contractors, how did we ever believe that you'd be more efficient than keeping it in-house?
Speaking of armies:
Williiam Gibson's Neuromancer is 30 years old. A prime example of life imitating art.
It looks like Comic Con's attendees are fighting to stem the tide of sexual harassment at nerd mecca. Still, there's bound to be plenty of people crossing the line. It shouldn't just be on the attendees to get in the face of creeps. The Con needs to have a more stringent code of conduct.
What do Chinese Dumplings Have to Do With Global Warming? Everything, apparently.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia and officially kicks off WWI.
Tyler Cowen asks, Why does the US economy do better under Democratic Presidents? Well obviously they're just skating along on the great economic policies created by Republican predecessors. Just like Obama's been doing.
An interview about prison reform with the real woman behind Orange is the New Black.
OkCupid seems to be experimenting on it's users by sending incompatible people on dates. I've said it before: they need to keep people from having successful long term relationships in order maintain user base.
Womens' brains saw a huge boost form things like sanitation, healthcare, and nutrition. Another series of fantastic 20th century achievements that the GOP is rapidly working to undo.
Michelle Nunn's campaign accidentally published it's strategy. I don't know how much this will damage her chances since we're still several months out but she'd better get some better staffers.
And The Upshot questions pay for performance as a model for improving healthcare. The way we're talking about healthcare increasingly reminds me of the way we're talking about schools. All the policy is focused on providers (teachers) and hospitals (schools) but nothing focuses on the patients (students). I'm sorry, but we have a very unhealthy public. 1/3 of the country is literally poisoning themselves with sugar. The chronic problems associated with diabetes are not going away just because you change the compensation structure for physicians. Same for heart disease, obesity, and all the other chronic-yet-preventable illnesses out there.
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