Monday, August 4, 2014

8/4/14 Today's Inquiries

Fairly short today. Not much happened in the past 24 hours I guess.

The Links:

Good News Everyone! Long sequestered methane gas is beginning to leak out of the arctic ocean signaling an unstoppable feedback loop of warming and greenhouse gas growth. You will read the rest of this post in Farnsworth's voice.

Reddit's favorite science explainer has gotten himself banned from the site. You can't explain that.

WaPo cautions democrats not to become complacent while waiting for the demographics to shift in their favor. The Economist noted somewhere recently that democrats have been so focused on 2016 that they forgot there's an election in three months.

Paul Krugman defends himself for calling Paul Ryan a con man. Just kidding:
If you fell for the carefully crafted image of Ryan as an honest wonk, you were being taken in — and it’s my job to ensure that you’re properly informed.
Good on him. It's hucksters like Ryan that made the GOP what it is today. Why compromise when you can lie?

Speaking of liars, women fair poorly at negotiations and interviews because men think it's okay to lie to them. Seriously, how good of a negotiator can you be if the other side is just saying shit? No, no sweetie, everybody makes 70% of male pay here.

Let's take a look at job growth under the last 6 presidential administrations. Wow Bush Jr. Just, wow.

Brookings Inst. thinks that the whole "skills mismatch" theory behind persistent unemployment is overblown. For example:
If employers urgently need workers with skills in short supply, we expect them to offer higher pay to prospective new employees who possess the skills. 
But that never happens. Companies know that there are plenty of skilled workers and plenty more who could be trained to do the jobs that need filling.

Thinking of law school? Why not try a lawyer apprenticeship instead? It is widely agreed that law school doesn't really resemble the practice of law and that law firms are having to spend time training new hires. Why not cut out the expensive JD? Plus funny hats!

Ah, life in the suburbs. A persistent trap of concentrated poverty and poor services. We've basically made the old white flight into the new ghettoes. I'll call it Roswell.

Dungeons and Dragons, never has there been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. And sexism. Don't leave out the sexism. As with most things, there's a vocal minority who want nothing to change ever and will actively disrupt any attempt at change by attacking people in the most vile way possible. We usually call them conservatives.

What it's like to try to get a secular marriage in Georgia:
Obviously, the clerk and the rest of the Fulton County Probate Court had never heard the term, nor had they heard of the Humanist Society. After a few more phone calls, I was informed that it was Judge Brock’s final decision to deny the certificate and, hence, it was clear that the couple would have to be married again.

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