Monday, November 10, 2014

11/10/14 Today's Inquiries

A glorious PB&J sandwich!

The Links:

More John Oliver love. Maybe it's easy to be right all the time when the world is completely insane.

I'm shocked, shocked, that casinos "accidentally" sent a bunch of promotional emails to compulsive gamblers.

Parents continue to rebel against common core testing.

Several popular food writers have an op-ed in the Washington Post about needing a national food policy. They note, however,
in February the president signed yet another business-as-usual farm bill, which continues to encourage the dumping of cheap but unhealthy calories in the supermarket.
I don't know about you but that sounds like a food policy. It's not the policy that benefits the citizens or is good for public health but it's a food policy.

The IMF evaluates 2010's austerity measures in Europe.
IMF advocacy of fiscal consolidation proved to be premature for major advanced economies, as growth projections turned out to be optimistic. Moreover, the policy mix of fiscal consolidation coupled with monetary expansion that the IMF advocated for advanced economies since 2010 appears to be at odds with longstanding assessments of the relative effectiveness of these policies in the conditions prevailing after a financial crisis characterized by private debt overhang.
Good news, we're on track to have the best year for employment since 1999. Moreover, the public sector is poised to add jobs for the first time since 2008. Good thing we just elected a bunch of republicans. We'll be back in recession in no time.

Speaking of the GOP, that whole keystone XL thing may not add up to be as good for our economy as previously thought.

All the President's Bullshit. Sullivan concludes:
This is exactly what we elected Obama to prevent, not to enable. But the war machine outlasts any president. And it has too easily coopted this one already.
Uber is recruiting 50,000 veterans as wage slaves drivers. There's nothing better than taking advantage of a vulnerable population. Next they'll be loaning them cars and garnishing the fares until the rivers pay off the vehicle.

Cloud storage is pretty much free these days and cloud computing is becoming cheaper quickly. So, are lots of tech companies going to go out of business?

A study of the economic consequences of sexual violence.
The findings suggest that sexual assault and the related trauma response can disrupt survivors' employment in several ways, including time off, diminished performance, job loss, and inability to work.
A study which argues social skills and cognitive skills are complimentary.
employment in and earnings premiums to occupations requiring high levels of both cognitive and social skill grew substantially compared with occupations that require only one or neither type of skill, and this emerging feature of the labor market has persisted into the new millennium.
The NSA is hiring graphic designers.

Breitbart doesn't let facts get in the way of a great story.

A tumblr of what various literary figures would order from Starbucks.
Jane Eyre goes up to the counter and orders a venti earl grey tea. It is raining outside. The barista is ugly and cold to her, but she falls in love with him anyway. There is a banging from the back room of the Starbucks, but the barista seems unconcerned. “It won’t affect me bringing you your coffee,” he assures Jane. He is wrong about this. 
This note card is a review of Interstellar:

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