Tuesday, November 4, 2014

11/4/14 Today's Inquiries

I think the trees officially have more barren branches than fall colored ones. Oh, and go vote.

The Links:

Tom Magliozzi, co-host of car talk, has died. Ray reportedly says "don't die like my brother."

The benefits of two of the greatest public health victories of the last 50 years, car safety and reduced smoking, are being completely undone by obesity and drug abuse. USA! USA!

Inequality in countries transitioning from the former Soviet Union to market economies.
Most people’s expectations on November 9,  1989 were that the newly-brought capitalism will result in economic convergence with the rest of Europe, moderate increase in inequality, and consolidated democracy. They are fulfilled most likely in only one country (Poland), and at the very most in another, rather small,  two. Their total populations are  42 million, or some 10% of all former Communist countries. Thus, 1 out of 10 people living in “transition”  countries could be said to have “transitioned” to the capitalism that was promised by the ideologues who waxed about the triumph of liberal democracy and free markets.
The capitalism question.
That's a cheap shot. But it's consistent with a wider and more important trend, embodied in talk of secular stagnation and an end (pdf) to growth - that capitalism has lost its dynamism lately.
Hand to Mouth and the rationality of the poor. Discusses this interview:

The head of GCHQ says that US tech companies are the command and control center of global terrorism. Let's invade Silicon Valley.

Old white guys are buying today's midterm election.

See also, John Oliver:

I really need to buy some marijuana and marijuana distribution stocks. As more states legalize, there's going to be a ton of growth.

I'm a fan of the Civilization games. It's nice to finally know why Ghandi is such an asshole.

This is the internet. Cats must be linked. "With fur measuring more than 10 inches long, Sophie now holds the Guinness World Record for longest fur on a cat, a title that previously belonged to Internet sensation Colonel Meow."

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