The links:
Mercenaries hired to transport gold and guns out of Ferguson. Yikes. Why is the world looking more and more dystopic every day? Here's a breakdown of the weaponry the police are prepared to use against the protesters.
Wall St. culture is unlikely to change as a result of financial reforms. Yeah, but a lot of the talented sociopaths are moving to Silicon Valley for the quick buck instead of following the safe path to Wall St.
Menzie Chinn has some comments on Wisconsin's employment outlook. With a track record on employment like Walker's, he's a shoe-in for president.
Why workers matter. America doesn't have a party of labor anymore and, apparently, neither does the UK.
Malls surrender in the face of, well, every single economic trend in the country. Seriously, save for a few well placed popular malls, like, maybe, Lenox Square in Altanta, how are these places not already out of business?
The number of multi-family rental properties being built is growing. That makes it a good time to be a renter as availability will drive down prices. Arnold Kling adds:
Policy makers see young people reluctant to buy homes, and they respond in the usual way, by proposing government-subsidized lenient mortgage credit. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs respond by building more apartments.
The 7th Benghazi investigation is over. There was no intelligence fault. Which is the same thing the other 6 investigations found. Thank goodness there's an 8th investigation which has yet to conclude. The truth will come out.
More rent seeking. This time it's corn ethanol which is required to be a larger and larger part of our gasoline until 2022. Unfortunately they never imagined that people would use less gasoline and the increasing concentration of ethanol is bad for older cars.
The NY Times has a great (and long) article on the psychology of passwords. It's a fun read and also helped me figure out why people so often pick bad passwords.
Consumer Reports fires a shot across the bow of the gluten free foods movement. Because if you don't have Celiac disease, you don't need to eat gluten free.
Here's a shitty documentary on NYC's sewage infrastructure.
“The image of a female vampire skateboarding down a street, her voluminous veil flying out behind her, does the job with more poetic satisfaction and truth than any explicit monologue about the repression of women could ever do.”
Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty awesome. But, did you know you could totally play as Daenerys?
Some folks got to test drive Toyota's new fuel cell car, Mirai. They more or less liked it but they've overlooked one significant problem:
New Jurassic Park trailer.
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