The Links:
Cruz likes to compare himself to Ronald Reagan, but by the time Reagan won the presidency, he had been a two-term governor of California who had shown himself capable of compromising with a legislature. Cruz hasn't shown much talent at that, or even much interest in it. Nor is it obvious Cruz could substitute executive power for legislative authority — his arguments against Obama have, at least until this point, suggested a limited view of presidential authority.
The Onion headline is fantastic. Ted Cruz Boldly Declares Nation not Deserving of Better Candidate.
So as far as I can tell, the story around Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker going from “interesting 2016 dark horse” to “steaming pile of horse manure” happened in about 72 hours, and involved tweeting.
On the other side of the coin, it's always nice to have a hedge fund in the family. Vote Clinton, CEO-in-Chief! Wall St.'s president indeed.
The investors include hedge fund managers like Marc Lasry and James Leitner; an overseas money management firm connected to the Rothschild family; and people from Goldman Sachs, including the chief executive, Lloyd C. Blankfein. Some of the investors in Eaglevale have contributed campaign money to the former president and Mrs. Clinton, who is widely expected to run for president again in 2016. Some have also contributed to the family’s foundation.
Bowden called the asset management business — which falls within the SEC’s jurisdiction — “the greatest business you could possibly be in. You’re helping your clients.” He continued on the subject of the private equity business, “where we have seen some misconduct and things like that, ’cause I always think like, to my simple mind, that the people in private equity, they’re the greatest, they’re actually adding value to their clients, they’re getting paid really really well, you know, if I was in that position, the one thing I would think to myself as I skipped to work was like just ‘Let’s not mess it up. You know, this is the greatest thing there, I’m helping people, I’m doing OK myself.'”Then he said: “I tell my son, I have a teenaged son, I tell him, ‘Cole, you want to be in private equity. That’s where to go, that’s a great business, that’s a really good business. That’ll be good for you.”At that point a questioner interrupted to say: “I’d love to hire your son, by the way. That’s a deal.”
The link between earnings and consumer spending has been tighter in this expansion than in any other since records began in the 1960s
The "affordable housing" conversation is dominated by the problems facing poor families. But poor people don't really face an affordable housing problem, they face an "affordable everything" problem. They are, in other words, poor.
The changing geography of US employment. Why are all the jobs in places without any water? Why are all the jobs in places which won't be habitable in 50 years? The article is long and full of charts but an excellent read.
Thomas Piketty on student loan debt. Links a video which I can't embed.
Pasquale writes that “a surprising proportion of digital marketing is about finding marks for dubious loans, pharmaceutical products, and fly-by-night for-profit educators.” Gambling scammers target lists of recovering addicts, and, of course, there are the penis enlargement ads. Whether or not it's in our interests, we are constantly telling computers the best ways to wring money and time (which is also money) out of us. We inform on ourselves, and we collectively provide the mass of data necessary for them to guess about people like us. It’s the “know your enemy” school of marketing, and we’re the enemy.
A Sucker is Optimized Every Minute. It took a while, and it never quite goes Godwin, but I knew where this going when I read the headline. Starts with the silliness and shallowness of a data driven life and moves to totalitarianism.
Take the gulag, the greatest example, and achievement, of Soviet optimization. The lords of the gulag had charts and charts re: minimum food intake and maximum work output.”
Fully Automated Luxury Communism. Umm, yeah, that might be the dream but how's that working out in reality? These poor fools think common human decency will overcome the profit motive.
Bastani and fellow luxury communists believe that this era of rapid change is an opportunity to realise a post-work society, where machines do the heavy lifting not for profit but for the people.
An important but unreported indicator of Ferguson’s dilemma is that half of young African American men are missing from the community. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, while there are 1,182 African American women between the ages of 25 and 34 living in Ferguson, there are only 577 African American men in this age group. In other words there are more than two young black women for each young black man in Ferguson. The problem of missing black men extends to other age groups. More than 40% of black men in both the 20 to 24 and 35 to 54 age groups in Ferguson are missing.
It is worth noting that there are approximately equal numbers of African American boys and girls, under the age of 20, in Ferguson (2,332 boys and 2,341 girls).
An argument that Gamergate is basically a reaction of the privileged to being colonized by the rest of humanity. I'm happy that the author seems to understand colonialism well and turns this idea on it's head about half way through the analysis.
Colonialism historically removed power from minority groups, stripping them of their homes and cultures. But no matter how many thinkpieces on gender and race and sexuality in games get written, there will be a new Call of Duty every year. For every Twine game, there are thousands of bros who will buy the next hot AAA release without reading a single review.
What may have been missed was that this process doesn't stop once those two copies are modified. Instead, it happens in the next generation as well, and then the generation after that. In fact, the modified genes could spread throughout an entire species in a chain reaction, a fact that has raised ethical and safety concerns about the work.
Don't give doctors your SSN. I agree. I deal with medical paperwork all day and every patient is assigned a unique ID anyway. There's no need for an SSN.
People ask Google some strange things. How much does __ cost in each state.
It's hard to find good numbers on how much force it takes to tear off a person's arm.
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