Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/25/15 Today's Inquiries

I make no guarantee that I will post "today's" links prior to tomorrow. Also, let's trend nerdy tonight. Skip to the bottom for trailers!

The Links:

This has been making the rounds for the past few days and is excellent:

Feminist Thor is beating old man Thor. My god has a hammer. Well my god has a hammer and ovaries and therefore best embodies both the beginning and end of life.

A comic about skin tone and coloring in comic books.

Every woman in every disney movie has the same face.

Oh look, another woman in tech is suing her employer for discrimination.

In 100 years, what will our descendants think we've done wrong? Apparently, we will still celebrate Christmas.
It will be an offence to eat any life-form. Once the sophistication, not only of other animals, but also of plants has been recognised, we will be obliged to accept the validity of their striving for life. Most of our food will be synthetic, although the consumption of fruit – ie, those parts of plants that they willingly offer up to be eaten – will be permitted on special occasions: a birthday banana, a Christmas pear.
Andrew Sullivan gets hounded by TNC for being the editor of super racist The New Republic.

Millionaires have a sad because they're not rich enough to buy elections anymore.
“They are only going to people who are multi-multi-millionaires and billionaires and raising big money first,” said Neese, who founded a successful employment agency. “Most of the people I talk to are kind of rolling their eyes and saying, ‘You know, we just don’t count anymore.’ ”
Let us, once again, debunk the myth of the job stealing immigrant.

California is beating texas in job growth. So Walker and Cruz can't claim to be from states with the best economic growth policies.

Is it really that hard to hire qualified workers?
Moving forward, employers are likely to adjust to the developing labor market conditions by either lowering their skill requirements across occupations or by raising wages. It is most likely that employers will do both. At the same time, as the labor market gets tighter, the average time to fill a position may continue to grow even higher.
So much for the reemergence of American manufacturing.

When even the WSJ thinks you're a scam, you're a scam.

Where will Hillary fall on education? Where the money is, obviously.

A linguistic analysis of how the World Bank "speaks" about the developing world.
Levelling the playing field on global issues: no one will ever object to these words (although, of course, no one will ever be able to say what they really mean, either).
Oh good, climate proof beans.

Of course, they'll need good soil for growing things. That's actually going to be a problem going forward. We're so royally fucked:
Landowners around the world are now engaged in an orgy of soil destruction so intense that, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, the world on average has just 60 more years of growing crops. Even in Britain, which is spared the tropical downpours that so quickly strip exposed soil from the land, Farmers Weekly reports, we have “only 100 harvests left”.
It's all okay though because Bill Gates and the World Bank are on the case with their big meeting this month about the future of seeds and farming in Africa. Only, they're not inviting any farmers or farming associations or anyone from Africa.















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