Monday, March 30, 2015

3/30/15 Today's Inquiries

Just be glad you're not here when the crazy man goes missing.

The Links:

Ben Bernanke, former head of the Fed, is blogging!

Arnold Kling has a good series of posts about major "conservitarian" dilemmas. The first is immigration. The second is Social Issues. The third, which  didn't expect, is Israel and foreign policy in general. Since I'm always interested in the whole conservative/libertarian strange-bedfellow alliance, I enjoyed reading each.

26 states saw unemployment rates decrease in Feb.

What do you do when your occupation is poverty? And how poor are the poor anyway?
A quarter of America’s workers are working full-time, year-round in occupations where they cannot expect to earn enough to keep a family of four above poverty.
I also highly recommend reading Taxation by Citation. Here's a short version from John Oliver:

Did air conditioning cause the rise of the South? Did the decline of high seas pirates cause global warming? More here.
So air conditioning cannot be an important story over this time. It may have contributed, along with the other factors listed above, to the the initial takeoff of the American South, but not so in recent decades. The rise of the South is a far more complicated story.
It's difficult for anyone without millions in income to live in NYC anymore. Which makes it tough for me to want Lisa to do her residency there. Chicago on the other hand...

An unfortunate cover for the course catalogue at UNG. Run whitey, run!

Quality trumps quantity when it comes to spending time with your children.

Are Hospitals to blame for the hugs costs associated with healthcare? Yes. Pretty much yes.

Oddly, doctors who, you know, actually care about their patients are better physicians.

Economics and the misallocation of water in CA.
At the same time as farmers are watering their almonds, San Diego is investing in an energy-intensive billion-dollar desalination plant which will produce water at a much higher cost than the price the farmer are paying.  That is a massive and costly misallocation of water.
In short, we are spending thousands of dollars worth of water to grow hundreds of dollars worth of almonds and that is truly nuts.
A brief history of the Yemen clusterf*ck.

How to be a Russian Troll. I prefer my trolls Norse but Russian will do in a pinch.

You're welcome:

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