The links:
JotSCOTUS Sotomayor says technology is going to turn America into an Orwellian nightmare state. She needs to quit mixing her fictional dystopias though:
"We are in that brave new world, and we are capable of being in that Orwellian world, too."
It seems that reading Harry Potter will make you not racist. Or something. What does reading The Hunger Games make you?
Taye Diggs is my hollywood man crush ever since he was in that movie with Christian Bale. He's also completely insane as evidenced by his use of 6 second video app, Vine.
The British Library has hired its first Interactive Fiction Writer in Residence. In case that title confuses you, it's video games.
Tropes from horror fiction are present in Gone Home from the start: you are stuck, at night, in a thunderstorm, in a big, empty mansion. You expect something to go terribly wrong at any moment. The game slowly dismantles this expectation, until you are left with only the embarrassment of having had it in the first place.
If anyone is interested in teaming up for some Don't Starve Together, let me know. I promise I won't eat you. You may, however, be bait for the wolves.
This does not compute:
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