The Links:
It seems that unemployment has "trickle down" effects on the poorest workers.
Food security is not improving in the US. If only there were programs in place to aid families in need.
What are the costs of staying in college longer than four years?
First, students who spend an extra one or two years in school as a full-time student incur an opportunity cost in the form of forgone earnings.
Using 2013 data, we estimate that the rate of return for the average student who finishes the degree in four years is about 14 percent. That figure gets shaved down to about 11 percent for a five-year completion, and to 8 percent for six years. Overall, the rate of return plummets by 40 percent for the six-year plan compared with the traditional four-year plan.The class of 2009 is pretty much lost in a sea of economic failure and misery. Good thing I graduated in 2008.
Cash for Clunkers may have actually reduced new vehicle spending. Way to rescue the auto industry!
Tyler Cowen, responding to last week's findings that Medicare isn't going to sink the federal budget, writes:
"I did not expect to be reading this within my lifetime, and yet here it is"I think that's notable since Cowen is generally a libertarian and works in the Koch funded GMU economics department.
What happens when scientists leave (academic) science behind? Well, they go into business and make tons of money. Or at least that's what this article says.
In news that should surprise nobody, metaphors and figurative language can change people's views on things.
You know, we really ought to just set aside about 1/2 of the planet for wildlife. Unfortunately, destroying the other half usually has poor effects on the rest.
We all know the Vikings were awesome. But, did we know that many of the warriors were female? We didn't because researchers and archaeologists assumed that bodies buried with swords and shields had to be male.
Soon you will be bale to bid on old Russian space junk this crazy German ex-cosmonaut has been collecting. I want the spacesuit for my future dog.
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