Sunday, September 28, 2014

9/28/14 Today's Links

A little housekeeping to take care of first. I will not be posting links from 9/29 to 10/6 because I will be on vacation.

The Links:

Sundays are usually nerdy links and I will be posting those shortly but I wanted to share something I saw pop us several times this week. This America Life aired an expose on the corruption which exists at the very heart of our financial system. Audio version here. I encourage you to take a look or listen. Here's what Michael Lewis had to say:
Most people would probably also agree on two reasons those difficulties seem only to be growing: an ever-more complex financial system that regulators must have explained to them by the financiers who create it, and the ever-more common practice among regulators of leaving their government jobs for much higher paying jobs at the very banks they were once meant to regulate. Wall Street's regulators are people who are paid by Wall Street to accept Wall Street's explanations of itself, and who have little ability to defend themselves from those explanations. 
And now we have absolute proof. Over at Harvard Business Review, Justin Fox writes:
Regulatory capture — when regulators come to act mainly in the interest of the industries they regulate — is a phenomenon that economists, political scientists, and legal scholars have been writing about for decades.  Bank regulators in particular have been depicted as captives for years, and have even taken to describing themselves as such.
Actually witnessing capture in the wild is different, though, and the new This American Life episodewith secret recordings of bank examiners at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York going about their jobs is going to focus a lot more attention on the phenomenon. It’s really well done, and you should listen to it, read the transcript, and/or read the story by ProPublica reporter Jake Bernstein.
Okay, on to lighter fare.

Scientists made the electrons of element 106 travel at 80% of light speed. Which is pretty fast.

Some Japanese company is going to try and build a space elevator by 2050. This should end well.

You may remember that The Oatmeal is raising funds for a Nikola Tesla museum. Well, you should contribute and in return you'll get your name on a brick. I'd prefer my name on an earthquake machine but a brick is still pretty cool.

I like to link things which prove that my opinions are right. A little while ago I said that it is in the best interest of online dating companies to prevent long term stable relationships because those people would stop using their service. A new study shows that online dating leads to more breakups.

Several incomplete episodes of Star Wars: Cone Wars are available for free. I really enjoyed the animated series and can't wait for The Rebels.

A giant collage of every SNES character and sprite. Kind of like where's Waldo but nerdier.

Speaking of pixel art, waffles are a natural medium. I'm disappointed there aren't more creeper waffles.

This story is exactly why I stopped playing WoW and will never play anything like Destiny. They're just manipulating your psychology to make you addicted to the game. Whereas I can quit Skyrim anytime I want.

Want to listen to some late 1970s experimental electronica inspired by Dune? Of course you do. The spice must flow.

Jason Jones shares this lovely video and comments on the state of "lady friendly" comics.

Unfortunately, I didn't find much in the way of trailers to link today. I am sorry. Here's three I did like, though:

Apparently this is a riff on Alice in Wonderland:



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