Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10/15/14 Today's Inquiries

Pumpkin smoothies.

The Links:

The CDC says Ebola should be as easy as MRSA for US hospitals. Well, since we haven't really been effective at preventing MRSA infections, I'm not super confident...

That infected nurse in Texas? Yeah, she said there were no protocols at her hospital.

Which is probably why a second healthcare worker at that hospital has tested positive for Ebola. When someone who wasn't in contact with Duncan tests positive, then you have something to worry about.

A brief history of racist moral panic's relationship with cleanliness and disease.

The Chinese police are going all Mayor Bloomberg on the protesters in Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, protestors are taking over seemingly random locations throughout St. Louis which is different strategy than a single central space. The even showed up at the Rams vs 49ers game with banners.

Police pleasantly surprised to learn the man they shot was armed.
LEXINGTON, KY—Following a pedestrian stop Monday night during which they fired their weapons on a suspicious individual, patrol officers for the Fayette County Police Department were pleasantly surprised to discover the man they shot was armed, sources confirmed.
Utah State University is under threat of a massacre if they allow Anita Sarkeesian to give a speech at their Center for Women and Gender. Sarkeesian has backed out because police wouldn't act to stop ammosexuals from bringing guns into the event.

An argument that maximizing happiness does not maximize welfare. Well yeah, a Big Mac makes me pretty happy but consuming them constantly doesn't do much for my wellbeing. However, the post focuses on rural happiness vs wellbeing in the US. What about places like Denmark that are happy and well?

Is economics a science? Noah Smith weighs in.

Jimmy Johns has a noncompete clause in its employment contract which technically make sit illegal for your sandwich maker to quit or have a second job and go to work at a competing restaurant. It seems these kinds of clauses are very common in low-skill positions. I'd like to see it challenged in court. I'd also really like a Italian Night Club on wheat.
American businesses are paying out a historically low proportion of their income in the form of wages and salaries. But the Jimmy John’s employment agreement is one small piece of evidence that workers, especially those without advanced skills, are also facing various practices and procedures that leave them worse off, even apart from what their official hourly pay might be. Collectively they tilt the playing field toward the owners of businesses and away from the workers who staff them.
Job polarization in the UK labor force.

Paying for college with a minimum wage job in 1979 vs 2014. Guess what? You can't.

Suburban ghost towns left over from the Irish housing bubble. Obviously they should should not have been forced by the democrats to make all those loans to black people.

Sadly, it's not looking too good for Alison Lundergan Grimes. I listened to her debate with Mitch and she didn't do too great of a job. To be fair, the questions were really, really stupid. "Mrs. Grimes, how will you convince Kentuckyians that you won't support Obama?""Mrs. Grimes. Did you vote for Obama?" Here, have a look:

If you're on the GOP web site and get a 404-error, this is the page you get.

This man's weird trick could transform Medicine.

Atheists are the most prolific tweeters.

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