Saturday, October 18, 2014

10/18/14 Today's Inquiries

Why yes, I am writing this at work.

The links:

Oh come on! Who let a healthcare worker potentially exposed to ebola on a cruise ship? Really, though, how does this happen?

Well, at least our new ebola czar was the head of Al Gore's Florida recount effort. He was played by Kevin Spacey in the Recount movie. Life is stranger than fiction.

Which has also been leading people to link some Poe. Of course consumption isn't quite the same as ebola.

Companies spend a lot of time making sure their employees have a hard time getting new jobs.
Take Jerry Smith for example (not his real name, because he fears it would affect his future job prospects): He's an expert on speech recognition, but he can't use his deep knowledge of this technology at work anymore because he had signed a noncompete agreement with his former employer, promising not to work in the industry for two years after leaving the firm.
Schools still haven't recovered from the great recession.

Kids frequently face interrogation by police without a lawyer or any legal aid. While I was not surprised to learn that teens don't really have a firm grasp on their rights, the article shows its a much bigger problem than I'd imagined.

More evidence that America hates black people. And again, the libertarian right ought to be reaching out to blacks and joining them in their fight against racist incarceration. Obviously they're intellectually bankrupt.

The Whiteness Project.
The Whiteness Project is a multiplatform investigation into how Americans who identify as “white” experience their ethnicity.
Bill Gates says inequality matters. Also, reviews Picketty.

Arnold Kling is exactly right when he says:
The way I read this, we really cannot get back to the rule of law if we have too-big-to-fail banks. That is what I will be arguing in two weeks. These institutions will be given special treatment, particularly in a crisis. In 2008, AIG was eviscerated in order to provide a liquidity injection to Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and others. Does anyone think that the decisions would have come out the same if the Treasury Secretary had been a proud alumnus of AIG rather than of Goldman Sachs?
As evidence of the above, we get proof that our Treasury Secretary lied to Congress about TARP. It might be several years late but the truth is finally coming out about just how corrupt the 2008 bailouts were.

The solution to this problem is eminent domain but very few localities are brave enough to fight that fight.

You can't make this up:
The good people of Alaska want to talk about the issues, not some esoteric inside-the-Beltway process story about whether their representative in Congress murdered somebody.
Jonathan Chait discovers the real reason the GOP hates Obamacare.

The collective suicide of right wing talk radio. The free market is pretty much pricing these guys out of business. No, it's clearly censorship by the Obama administration, wake up sheeple!

Pokemon goes full on creep with it's Halloween manga.

You got your robots in my literature. No, you got your literature in my robots.

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