The Links:
Sarkeesian's Op-Ed in the New York Times from last Tuesday.
And here she is on Colbert:
Also related:
Andrew Sullivan examines the reaction to Apple's CEO's coming out. I suppose all Christians have to return their Apple products or risk eternal hellfire.
Good GDP numbers yesterday. Let's hope they're not revised downward too much. More here.
We also had the FOMC meeting this week. Here's an overview but the biggest news is the end of QE.
Were the Fed's Critics wrong about QE all along? It kinda looks that way. I'll be eating my crow for a little while.
UC Berkeley's Dean's Speaker Series tackles inequality:
Free Exchange looks at UNIFEC's report on child poverty. It ain't good.
Arnold Kling has some rhetorical questions about education:
A report on the absurd expense of Greek Life on college campuses.1. How much would somebody have to pay you to be a teacher in the middle school that you attended?2. How well do you think that evolution trained the human adolescent to sit in a desk and pay attention?3. When you were aged 13-18, how easy was it for a teacher to gain your respect?4. When you were aged 13-18, did you only take rational risks?5. When you were aged 13-18, did you want your friends to shut up so that you could listen to the teacher?6. When you were aged 13-18, did you do what you would advise an adolescent to do today?
Do the math: Official charges include Panhellenic dues, chapter fees, administrative fees, nonresident house/parlor fees, a onetime pledging and initiation fee and contribution toward a house bond. Members must also buy a pin (consider the diamond-encrusted one) and a letter jersey. Without housing, basic costs for the first semester (the most expensive) average $1,570 at University of Georgia sororities, $1,130 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and $1,580 at Syracuse University.An interview with a guy who really doesn't like Hillary Clinton. Difficulty: He's a liberal economist.
The actual policies that she advocates are not going to change the material or social well-being of women or children in any significant way.Mitch McConnell's family is into some shady shit. His father in law is part owner of a shipping company. One of the boats had 90 pounds of cocaine on board.
More about Georgia's 40,000 missing voter registration applications. Look, if they were going to register at republicans, we wouldn't be having this problem, would we?
Young people want to spend money on jobs and schools. The old like war and Social Security. The solution seems obvious: employ old people to fight in our wars and train them in schools.
Robots taking jobs from service sector employees in San Jose Lowes.
Serial Killers are pretty dumb.
"Participants' blood alcohol concentrations were found to positively correlate with utilitarian preferences."
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