Tuesday, December 23, 2014

12/23/14 Today's Inquiries

Broadcasting live from Peachtree City, GA. Fox News blaring in the background 24-7. It must be Christmas!

The Links:

3rd quarter GDP growth revised up to 5.0%. Thanks Obama.

41 states had a decrease in unemployment last month. Georgia is no longer number 1, having been replaced by Mississippi.

The FED's dirty little secret.

Opting out of the US corporate income tax. I'd call the ability to opt out a feature, not a bug.

Do safer banks mean less economic growth? 
In fact, Cecchetti believes "We should seriously consider requiring further additions to bank capital, given that the social costs of post-crisis capital increases appear to have been small." Such an increase would make the banking system safer from collapse with little cost to the national economy.

Smart commentary on Russia. So Vladimir Putin is Kaiser Soze?
Instead of attempting to explain the failures of the reformers and intellectuals who tried to carry out radical change, we ought instead to focus on the remarkable story of one group of unrepentant, single-minded, revanchist KGB officers who were horrified by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the prospect of their own loss of influence. In league with Russian organized crime, starting at the end of the 1980s, they successfully plotted a return to power. Assisted by the unscrupulous international offshore banking industry, they stole money that belonged to the Russian state, took it abroad for safety, reinvested it in Russia, and then, piece by piece, took over the state themselves.
Smart commentary on oil prices.  I thought this was a good point to make:
It’s just a matter of how long it takes for the high-cost North American producers to cut back in response to current incentives. And when they do, the price has to go back up.
Remember the Saudis are playing at three objectives. 1. Low oil prices hurt Iran and Russia, which have poor relations with the Saudis. 2. Low oil prices hurt alternative oil industries, like US frackers. 3. Numbers 1&2 help Saudi Arabia maintain a dominant portion of the market for oil. They like having that influence and growing alternative and non-OPEC oil producers threatens them. Hence, their indication they will not cut production for the foreseeable future. Then we have to add in all the other market forces at work: US production was already driving prices down a bit because we're making so much more oil than just a few years ago. Several other nations in the mid-east and north Africa have restarted oil production after a decade of turmoil. China and Europe have weakening demand as their economies stagger a little.

Children are cleaning up an oil spill in Bangladesh. With their bare hands.
But right now, it is all about recovering and selling back the oil

What happens to society when robots replace workers?

Red Light cameras cause more injuries and accidents. Yeah, but somebody made a ton of money and that's the important point.

What do real life prosecutors and defense attorneys think about the Serial podcast?
our sampling demonstrates that how lawyers see a case depends on whether they play defense or offense. The prosecutors were more inclined than the defenders to pronounce Syed guilty.
Ferguson is facing a budget deficit so they're going to increase police ticketing to close the gap.

Blue Lives Matter.

White Southerners have a larger amount of African ancestry than you'd imagine.

Americans love torture. More here with added commentary from disillusioned naturalized citizens.

Basic rights for orangutans.

The 2015 Women in Science Calendar.

The most popular people on Pinterest.

A long read about Kentucky and in-state migration.
I recently completed original research, surveying Kentuckian consumption of two nostalgic goods: Ale8–One soda and Kentucky bourbon (can e-mail PDF for anyone interested; working copy currently). To my knowledge, my study was the first to systematically explore nostalgic trade in a domestic context. But before I get into the fun stuff (such as answering weirdly detailed questions about why people drink bourbon), I should give some background.
Stuff the TSA confiscated in 2014:
It’s the people that are carrying stuff like chainsaws that make me wonder.
Beer makes you more creative right up until you hit the legal limit for drunk driving.

Scrooge is an anti-capitalist hero who bravely resisted the commercialization of Christmas.

Kamchatka is an amazing place.


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