Tuesday, December 30, 2014

12/30/14 Today's Inquiries

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And here is why, no matter who is in charge, we are so totally screwed as a nation:
She is a deeply religious Christian, with a tightly knit family that prays together even at fast-food restaurants and has suffered one health crisis after the next. Her mother was run over by a car and spent six months in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Then her father got cancer and died within months. And this year, Ms. Mayhew’s cherished grandmother died of complications from a stroke. Her grief, she said, has been hard to bear. ...
A nurse practitioner at Family Health Centers had prescribed anti-depressants after Ms. Mayhew had her last baby in 2013 — at the time, she had temporary Medicaid for her pregnancy — but she stopped taking them when the coverage ended. Now she is back on them, and feeling good.
“That’s been a big thing for me,” she said.
And yet.
“I don’t love Obamacare,” she said. “There are things in it that scare me and that I don’t agree with.”
For example, she said, she heard from news programs that the Affordable Care Act prohibited lifesaving care for elderly people with cancer....
For Mr. Elson, with advanced diabetes, chronic high blood pressure and an income too high for Medicaid but too low to pay all his bills, the Affordable Care Act came too late.
He had forgone insulin for most of the year when he arrived at his eye doctor’s office in September, huffing and puffing due to fluid in his lungs. He was off his blood pressure pills, too, and all of his medications except a drug he takes for neuropathic pain caused by diabetes. His swollen legs were covered in painful blisters where excess fluid had seeped out...
There, he was told something he had been dreading: his kidney function had dropped to less than 10 percent of the normal level, and he had to start dialysis to save his life. That would mean being hooked up to a machine four hours a day, three days a week, to clear the toxins and extra fluid from his body. 
So, it's important to remember here that the default position on the right is to simply let people die. They deserve to die because they cannot afford health care. But, here's the thing, that's also apparently the default position on the left.

10 things political scientists know that you don't. (.pdf)
Political scientists rarely talk about special interests. We used to use language like “interest-group pluralism” to describe the resulting political environment. The most important distinction in this world is not between special and general interests, but between organized interests (like unions, religious groups, and the NRA) and unorganized interests (like the unemployed or homeless). 
Oil Prices fall, rig counts drop, oil employment falls. This is only bad news for Texas and North Dakota.

Working overtime has pretty much disappeared. In 1975, 65% of salaried workers earned time and a half. Now it's 11%. Hey, gotta cut costs to keep those share prices elevated.

Liberal billionaires outspent conservative billionaires in the midterm elections.

Testing Ricardian Equivalence. If you're not familiar, Ricardian Equivalence holds that the public will see all government spending as future taxes to be paid and will adjust their consumption and saving habits accordingly because they expect to pay higher taxes in the future. This is often the basis for certain arguments about government spending crowding out private sector spending. There's not a lot of evidence that it actually happens.

School lockdowns and the illusion of order.

We will need writers who can remember freedom:

House Majority Whip continues the fine tradition of republican minority outreach by admitting that he spoke at a 2002 white supremacist conference.

Sometimes I forget how stupid the rest of the world is: Argentina's president adopts a jewish kid to prevent him from turning into a werewolf.

An interview with Jay, the key witness from the Serial podcast.

Being cold makes you thinner.

3/5 of farmland is used for raising beef but beef only accounts for about 5% of our protein intake.

Someone recut all of the Marvel films to put all the scenes in chronological order.

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