Sunday, December 28, 2014

12/28/14 Today's Inquiries


The Links:

Just before Christmas the Dow hit another record high. Take a look back at the 2009 editorial arguing that the end is nigh and it's all Obama's fault.

More thoughts on oil prices.

Britain will be paying off a variety of historical debts next year, including debts incurred during the 1720 South Seas bubble.

The road to serfdom is through America's growing rental costs.

Big Food: Michael Pollan thinks Wall St. has way to much influence over how we eat. His thesis is that big ag and big food are constantly pressured to achieve ~5% growth every year which forces them into constantly looking for cheaper and cheaper foods. He's only partially right. The other half is that big ag and big food constantly lobby the government for subsidies which buoy their bottom line.

Given my recent discussion with Alex, I thought I'd link the Post Apocalyptic diet.

Speaking of the apocalypse, here's an argument that apocalyptic thinking is an underrated aspect of evangelical political thought.

The 12 years of NSA Christmas. It's a big document dump in response to years of FOIA requests. I can't wait to hear what they find.

The Metric System is a hazard to public safety, America's greatest enemy.

Meet the most important anti-environmentalist in America. And the new chairman of our environment committee.

Ayn Rand reviews children's movies.
An excellent movie. The obviously unfit individuals are winnowed out through a series of entrepreneurial tests and, in the end, an enterprising young boy receives a factory. I believe more movies should be made about enterprising young boys who are given factories. —Three and a half stars. (Half a star off for the grandparents, who are sponging off the labor of Charlie and his mother. If Grandpa Joe can dance, Grandpa Joe can work.)
Verner Herzog inspirationals.

A quest to dig up the bodies of numerous children abused and killed while in the custody of the State of Florida.

Rethinking IQ tests.
1. Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?
  • A) Yes 
  • B) No 
  • C) Cannot be determined
Star Wars finally gets a black woman in a major role. Let's hope she's not another purple lightsaber urban market-grabbing Samuel L. Jackson.

What did we get stuck in our rectums last year? Congress surprisingly absent.

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